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International Day of People with Disability event 05 December 2022 We had the honour of co-hosting the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) event with the Disability Health Network on Wednesday 30 November on the SCGH site at the Harry Perkins Institute. In synergy, we also launched our own NMHS Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) to guide our efforts to ensure that people with a disability can fully access our services, facilities and information and that they have equal professional opportunities in working with us. The DoH also announced the updated Hospital Stay Guidelines. In addition to the speakers and panelists, 118 people attended the event in person with another 90 tuned in online via Teams. Along with a fascinating panel discussion importantly involving people with lived experience, we heard from keynote speaker Dr Piers Gooding, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School. Having advised groups and...
NMHS staff shine at Pride Parade 30 November 2022 About 45 NMHS staff ‘brought forth the light’ at the 2022 Pride Parade in Northbridge on Saturday night. Staff marched behind a huge ‘Proud to be North Metropolitan Health Service’ banner and carried colourful lanterns as they celebrated diversity, inclusivity and acceptance. NMHS Pride Network members helped coordinate staff participation in the event. The theme of this year’s parade was Shine. Workforce Policy & Planning Consultant Liz Leahy said the energy everyone brought was “amazing.”
16 Days in WA 25 November 2022 With the annual 16 Days in WA campaign (external site) starting on November 25, it’s a time to reflect and ask how we can all help to end violence against women and their children. The campaign, which begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (external site) and finishes on Human Rights Day (external site) on 10 December, aims to drive change in the culture, behaviour and attitudes that lead to family and domestic violence. In keeping with this year’s theme, ‘Ending violence against women – it’s everybody’s business’, NMHS is asking everyone to do their part to promote 16 Days in WA. We know that women who have experienced family domestic violence use health services regularly, so we have an important role to play in improving the safety of our patients. King Edward Memorial Hospital will be lighting up orange ...
Meet Dr Piers Gooding 23 November 2022 Dr Piers Gooding is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School. He is a socio-legal researcher who examines disability and mental health law and policy and is the author of A New Era for Mental Health Law and Policy: Supported Decision-making and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2017) with Cambridge University Press, and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal for Mental Health and Capacity Law. Piers has acted as a board member and advisor in a range of local, national and international bodies working on the rights of disabled people, and has advised policy-makers at national and international levels. Piers will give the keynote address at an NMHS and Disability Health Network event celebrating International Day of People with Disability on 30 November. He will also take part in a panel discussion around supported deci...
Celebrating 60 years of service at OPH 24 October 2022 This year we are celebrating 60 years of incredible service to the community by the staff at Osborne Park Hospital. On Tuesday 18 October we planted six native trees (one for each decade) and buried a time capsule to be dug up on our 100th birthday. When it opened its doors on the 29th of March 1962, OPH served the general medical and maternity needs of the City of Stirling catchment. It treated 1,300 patients in its first year. Sixty years on, OPH now has 192 beds, includes surgical and rehabilitation services, and is home to almost 600 staff who cared for more than 103,000 patients in 2021. In the last two years we have opened two new wards (2 and 7) and we are working on opening more beds in coming weeks and months. This shows the incredible growth of our hospital and what it brings to the community. OPH has a wonderful reputation as a caring and compassionate place and it is a vital ...
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