Midwifery Antenatal Postnatal Service

The Midwifery Antenatal Postnatal Service (MAPS) model of care is a continuity of care model and provides a named midwife for each booking woman to provide almost all antenatal care and education, and postnatal home support and care (for at least five days) to women within their caseload. Acceptance into the model will be based on local eligibility criteria and availability.

Women can speak to their GP to request this model on the antenatal referral, or they may be allocated to the model and may opt out if they prefer the continue in the general midwifery clinic.

Women booked to MAPS who develop any condition that requires a medical clinic at Osborne Park Hospital will not be excluded from the MAPS program. These women will continue to be followed through their pregnancy by their named midwife while attending doctor’s clinics.

If the case load for the MAP is fully booked, women wanting the MAPS model will be added to the waitlist and seen in the general midwives’ clinics.

Last Updated: 20/06/2024