Day Therapy Unit

The Day Therapy Unit provides a range of comprehensive services to the Geriatric, Acute and Rehabilitation Medicine for older people (aged > 65 years or > 45 years) in the OPH catchment area.

Outpatient Services

  • Day Therapy specialty medical clinics in:
    • Memory,
    • Falls,
    • Continence,
    • General Geriatric Medical, and
    • Stroke
  • Day Therapy allied health review and input by Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Speech Therapy and / or Clinical Psychology
  • Day Therapy Falls Prevention group exercise classes as well as individualised Physiotherapy programs
  • Parkinson’s Service (Medical, Nursing and Allied Health service)

Community Services

  • Home visiting service by Occupational Therapy and RAILS team.
  • Falls Specialist Service providing home-based Falls Risk Assessment and Falls Prevention Programs
    • Rehabilitation and Aged Care Intervention Liaison Service (RAILS) Multidisciplinary team focusing on reduction in hospital length of stay, plus prevention of admission to hospital / ED
  • Geriatric Residential Outreach (GRO) Project

Referral information required

In order to process and intake patients as efficiently as possible, please provide all of the relevant information as follows.

Patient details

  • Full patient name, date of birth, current residential and postal address (if different from residential), contact phone number/s.
  • NOK details including contact phone number/s (NB; especially important for memory referrals).
  • Information regarding language / dialect if interpreting services likely to be required.
  • Medicare details, DVA and private health insurance information (where relevant).

Referrer details

  • Full name and practice details including fax.
  • Stamp with all details is sufficient.

Referral details

  • Tick relevant box/es relating to reason for referral. Please note that more than one referral may be made on the one consultation form.
  • Please enter text in the ‘details of referral’ box.
  • Patients only requiring assessment for support services within the home and / or ACAT assessment, please refer via My Aged Care

Risk assessment

  • We request that this section is filled out for ALL referrals please where a home visit is requested to ensure the safety of our staff

    Mobility / Cognition / Continence / Mood

  • It is important that these sections are completed, particularly the mobility / falls section where referrals are being made to Falls Clinic / Falls Physio Specialist / General Physiotherapy.
  • Where patients are to be referred to Memory Clinic or to OT Memory Clinic, we request that the ‘Cognition / Behaviours’ section be completed in full.
  • Include MMSE score and brief falls history – eg: number of falls in past 12 months.

Medical History / Medications

  • A list of patient’s current conditions plus their relevant past medical history may be detailed under this section.
  • Please also list CURRENT medications your patient is taking and any known allergies.
  • It is also often helpful to have a current weight / BMI and details of any other medical specialists currently involved with the patient. Please forward relevant correspondence.
  • Has the patient been seen elsewhere for the same problem or referred to another service for the same problem?
  • We welcome the forwarding of any relevant imaging, diagnostic reports or results to accompany the referral – blood results, CT scan, BMD etc.

Sending referrals

  • Referrals may be completed electronically and printed and subsequently faxed to Osborne Park Hospital on 6457 8232
  • Alternatively, they may be printed as PDF, completed by hand and subsequently faxed to Osborne Park Hospital on 6457 8232
Last Updated: 20/06/2024