Falls / Physiotherapy Falls Specialist Program

Our ageing population are at an increased risk of falls and are consequently at risk of incurring injuries and ongoing complications. This unit in the Osborne Park Hospital (OPH) is crucial to keeping our patients independent and safe within their environments.

The program provides specialist physiotherapy input for patients with a complex history of falls in an outpatient or domiciliary setting.

This involves:

  • an assessment by a senior physiotherapist
  • a guided discussion regarding goal setting
  • and a treatment plan addressing these factors.

This can also include facilitating a link to other services such as group exercise classes, occupational therapy, podiatry, Falls Clinic (medical), and Memory Clinic (medical) etc. depending on the needs of the individual.

It also provides an essential service to inpatients / staff on the Rehab and Aged Care wards, Stroke Rehabilitation Unit and Young Adult Rehabilitation ward.


OPH Inpatient Falls Services

  • 1:1 patient education sessions regarding their specific falls risk factors with them / and their family / carers as appropriate.
  • Staff education sessions.
  • Facilitation of initiatives / processes regarding falls management on the wards.


Helpful brochures

  • Orthostatic hypotension (PDF)
    Have orthostatic (postural) hypotension? This brochure will provide information on how to cope with this and strategies to keep safe and reduce the risk of falling.
  • Staying safe during and after hospital (PDF)
    Essential reading, this brochure provides information about how to stay safe during your admission to hospital and on discharge.
  • Getting up off the floor (PDF)
    This brochure will assist you in planning what to do if you have a fall. It gives advice on how to get up off the floor and enables you to write your plan down so others will know what to do. Keep it with you.
  • Fear of falling (PDF)
    Many people who fall are fearful that they will fall again and modify their behaviour and life to such a degree that it increases the risk of having another fall. This brochure will provide you with advice on how to address this fear.
  • Check list for healthy living (PDF)
    Looking after your health and wellbeing is essential for all ages. Completing this simple checklist will help you find areas when you may need to seek further medical or health professional advice.


Helpful websites

Last Updated: 24/01/2025