International Day of People with Disability event

We had the honour of co-hosting the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) event with the Disability Health Network on Wednesday 30 November on the SCGH site at the Harry Perkins Institute.
In synergy, we also launched our own NMHS Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) to guide our efforts to ensure that people with a disability can fully access our services, facilities and information and that they have equal professional opportunities in working with us. The DoH also announced the updated Hospital Stay Guidelines.
In addition to the speakers and panelists, 118 people attended the event in person with another 90 tuned in online via Teams.
Along with a fascinating panel discussion importantly involving people with lived experience, we heard from keynote speaker Dr Piers Gooding, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School. Having advised groups and policy-makers across the globe on the rights of disabled people, Dr Gooding gave a very engaging and interesting speech on the subject of supported decision-making in health.
The day wrapped up with an afternoon tea where panel and audience members had the opportunity to talk more. Thank you to everyone involved; those who organized and those who came along for this important event.