OPH staff Share the Dignity with Stirling Women's Refuge

Twenty handbags containing personal care items, known as Share the Dignity bags, were recently donated by OPH staff to the Stirling Women's Refuge.
Share the Dignity bags are collected by women’s refuges to benefit ladies who have escaped family domestic violence suddenly and are staying at a refuge.
OPH Admissions Clerk Cheryl Homewood led the collection of sanitary items, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, deodorant, hand cream, and pamper items such as lip balm, face masks, bath salts, and perfume, along with dressing gowns and underwear, to share with this vulnerable group of women.
Thank you for your kind donation Cheryl - we're sure your hard work and kindness will be very much appreciated by the ladies at Stirling Women's Refuge.