Chaplaincy and Spiritual Services

Our hospital cares for the whole person, not just their physical condition. For many people, emotional and spiritual issues surface while they are in hospital. Life crises such as illness and hospitalisation can raise spiritual questions or issues of meaning and value. Our Chaplaincy and Spiritual Services Department exists to offer compassionate, professional spiritual ministry to all patients, family, support people and staff during their time at our hospital. Chaplains and Pastoral Assistants provide support through pastoral care, pastoral counselling, and spiritual rituals. You do not have to be a religious person to receive pastoral care. Pastoral Care principles are patient-centred and not religiously based and we strive to provide accompaniment, support and care for all.

Australia is a multi-cultural country whose people have different beliefs and spiritual needs. If you are a person of faith, you may receive ministry from your own Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, Imam or other spiritual advisor. We also have voluntary visiting clergy and representatives from many denominations and world faiths whom we can contact for you. Our chaplains are there to ensure you receive appropriate support and care. We believe all people have a right to be cared for on their spiritual journey.

NMHS provides spiritual places at our hospitals for solitude, prayer, and contemplation, to support the spiritual care of patients, family and staff.

At OPH, the Hospital Chapel is located on the Ground Floor of E Block and is always open for reflection and prayer. Regular Christian Services are run by volunteers at 10.45am on three Sundays of the month, with other services, such as memorial services, provided as required. The timetable for Services is on the noticeboard outside the Chapel. Services at OPH have been temporarily suspended to comply with COVID restrictions.

OPH provides chaplaincy services on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Our neighbouring parishes graciously assist us by providing voluntary pastoral visitors and occasional emergency care, as their training allows.

For emergencies after hours, please call the hospital switchboard on (08) 6457 8000 and they will contact the after-hours Clinical Nurse Manager.


Women’s and Newborn Services

Women’s and Newborn Services at OPH falls under King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) Chaplaincy services. Please contact Pastoral Care Services (external site) at KEMH on (08) 6458 1036 or (08) 6458 1726 or the KEMH switchboard at (08) 6458 2222 for all maternity emergencies.

Last Updated: 24/01/2025