Congratulations to our WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Award state finalists

It is with great pleasure that we congratulate the North Metropolitan Health Service finalists in the 2023 WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards (WANMEA):
Excellence in Person Centred Care – Team Award
Women’s Newborns Health Service Diabetes Team, King Edward Memorial Hospital
Excellence in Midwifery
Sue-Anne Hawkins – King Edward Memorial Hospital
Excellence in Education
Jodie Atkinson – King Edward Memorial Hospital
Helen Herson – Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Consumer Appreciation Award
Sue-Anne Hawkins – Community Midwifery Program
Carissa Williams – King Edward Memorial Hospital
Excellence in Research
Zoe Bradfield – Curtin University and King Edward Memorial Hospital
Excellence in Registered Nursing
Calina Ting – Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Excellence in Primary, Public and Community Care
Sandra Vinciguerra – Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Nominated by colleagues and patients, these nurses and midwives have been recognised for their outstanding contribution to the WA Health System.
The winners will be announced at the 2023 WANMEA Gala Ball on Friday 6 October. Tickets are $170 and are available at WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards (external site)