16 Days in WA

With the annual 16 Days in WA campaign (external site) starting on November 25, it’s a time to reflect and ask how we can all help to end violence against women and their children.
The campaign, which begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (external site) and finishes on Human Rights Day (external site) on 10 December, aims to drive change in the culture, behaviour and attitudes that lead to family and domestic violence.
In keeping with this year’s theme, ‘Ending violence against women – it’s everybody’s business’, NMHS is asking everyone to do their part to promote 16 Days in WA.
We know that women who have experienced family domestic violence use health services regularly, so we have an important role to play in improving the safety of our patients.
King Edward Memorial Hospital will be lighting up orange (external site) for the duration of the campaign – one of dozens of Western Australian landmarks showing their support for 16 Days in WA to the whole community.
Together, we can help end violence against women. It is everybody’s business.
Images shows: Members of the Women’s Health Programs at North Metro taking the pledge.
From L clockwise: Julia Feutrill, Medical Co-Director, Women’s Health Genetics & Mental Health, Dannielle Orifici, A/Nurse Co-Director, Women’s Health Genetics & Mental Health, Ruth Aspinall – Policy and Projects Officer, Women’s Health Strategy and Programs, Safiyah Salim – Manager, Women’s Health Strategy and Programs and Diane Barr, Executive Director, WNHS.