128 percent increase in organ donation this year so far!

Donate Life WA (DLWA) has reported that in the first four months of 2022, they have facilitated an increase in organ donations of 128.6% on the same period last year.
DonateLife WA coordinates all organ and tissue donor activities across WA. It works with hospitals and hospital-based DonateLife medical and nursing specialists to provide professional donation services and encourage best practice to increase donation rates.
The national donation target is 25 donors per million population (this is called the 'dpmp). The population of WA is approximately 2.8 million people so to reach the targeted dmpd, DLWA would need to support 70 donors over the course of the year. With the impressive donation rate in these first four months, the target is looking more and more achievable.
This ultimately means that more people than we hope may be given the gift of life.
Donate Life State Medical Director, Simon Towler says of the DLWA staff:
"You have all done a remarkable job this year... I am very grateful to you all for your ongoing commitment to make transplantation available to Australians. It is demanding work and COVID has made it all the more difficult."
It takes so little to give such a huge gift to a person in need - just one minute to register with DLWA here (external site)
And get involved with the Donate Life social media campaign with 'Tag n Tell' to encourage family and friends to register:
STEP 1: Take a selfie with your finger in a number 1, as pictured.
STEP 2: Create your post and tell your friends that it only takes ONE minute to register as an organ and tissue donor at the address above
STEP 3: Tag two mates in your post and ask them to repeat these three steps. Simple!