Music therapy at Osborne Park Hospital

Every Thursday just after lunch, upbeat musical notes flow down the corridors of Ward 2, Osborne Park Hospital’s specialist stroke care and rehabilitation unit.
Patients like Jilli Blacker who are on their rehabilitation journey, enthusiastically sing along and play a variety of percussion instruments during music therapy sessions coordinated by the hospital’s allied health team.
“I find them [music therapy sessions] stimulating, I find it’s a break from the norm,” said Jilli, who has been receiving rehabilitation therapies after a recent stroke.
Music therapist Mei Lyn Woon is leading the music sessions as part of her student placement in her final year of a Master of Music Therapy degree and said there is a lot of evidence supporting using music therapy for rehabilitation with stroke patients.
“Music therapy can help with speech therapy, physical functions and cognitive processes,” said Mei Lyn.
“Attending the group music sessions also provides patients emotional and social support.
“I find music therapy is a very meaningful way to connect with people and I’m really enjoying my time here connecting with patients.”
Clinical Nurse Heidi Kovacic has worked on Ward 2 since it opened to patients this year and said the 16-bed rehabilitation ward caters for patients receiving modern and functional rehabilitation services following a stroke, amputation or for those living with a neurological condition.
“Since opening in May, we’ve worked with more than 70 patients who have come to us to access rehabilitation services such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, dietetics and occupational therapy,” said Heidi.
“The new purpose-built Therapy Garden adjacent to Ward 2 is a wonderful outdoor space that our patients and their visitors are enjoying.”
Jilli is full of praise for the care she has received at Osborne Park Hospital.
“Thanks, for this ward, they work really hard,” said Jilli.
“The nurses are really nice. Heidi is a fabulous nurse. The physios are quite nice. The OTs have been to my house and helped with some changes like getting a shower chair.”
“I’m excited about going home because I have a great garden and glass doors [looking over the garden] and I miss it. My friends don’t know I’m coming home today, I’m going to ring them now!”