Care Opinion - Above and beyond service at OPH

Care Opinion (external site) is an online platform that enables members of the public to tell us about their experience with our services. This information is used to improve services and to recognise staff and teams who may go above and beyond our patient's expectations.
OPH's Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy staff recently received some wonderful feedback from a grateful senior patient via Care Opinion.
"I am a senior who has a disability and am reliant on heavy-duty crutches to enable me to be mobile within my home. One broke and a frantic call to CAEP (Community Aids and Equipment Program) OT, Debbie at Osborne Park Hospital started this rescue mission.
I believe she sent an urgent email to Dean, Senior Physio, who located another pair of crutches. He asked his staff if anyone could drop them off to me on their way home. Anita then drove, I believe an extra 40 minutes after work to leave them at my door. Thank you, Anita. I feel so important and appreciate that you all listened to how important my need was.
I am isolated at home but to be bed restricted too would have been too much.
Have a lovely Easter break and thank you all for looking after us.
Stay safe."
View our response to this patient on the Care Opinion site (external site).