Osborne Park Hospital entry road closures 20 and 21 December

Osborne Park Hospital entry road closures 20 and 21 December
Car park access at Osborne Park Hospital (OPH) will be modified when the City of Stirling undertake road works on Dennis Street and Osborne Place from 7am to 7pm on 20 and 21 December.
Stage 1 works – Friday 20 December
OPH’s main entrance road, ambulance entry road and Car Park 5 access road from Osborne Place will be closed during the roadworks.
Signage and detours will be in place for patients and visitors to gain access via an alternative route.
The main entrance doors to the hospital will remain open. The back entrance to Car Park 5 will remain open for temporary drop off and pick up only (see Figure 2 below).
Transperth bus route 427 bus may be affected during the works. Please visit Transperth website (external site) for more information.
Figure 1: Overview of Friday 20 December closure.
Figure 2: Patient drop off Friday.
Stage 2 works – Saturday 21 December
Access to car parks 1, 3 and 4 will be impacted by roadworks undertaken on a section of Dennis Street and Osborne Place (see Figure 3).
Patients and visitors will have access to all carparks via Civic Place and a section of Osborne Place during the works.
Signage and detours will be in place.
Priority ambulances and emergency vehicles will be permitted to access the hospital from Dennis Road.
Transperth bus route 427 bus may be affected during the works. Please visit Transperth website (external site) for more information.
Figure 3: Overview of Saturday 21 December closure.