Congratulations Queen’s Birthday 2022 Honours List NMHS recipients

On behalf of the North Metropolitan Health Service Board and Executive Team, we extend our congratulations to the following staff members who have been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday 2022 Honours List:
- Annette Barton – SCGOPHCG Head of Department Occupational Therapy, for service to occupational therapy.
- Professor Graham Barrett – SCGOPHCG Ophthalmologist, for significant service to ophthalmology and to professional organisations.
Annette has been recognised as a committed and compassionate occupational therapy leader. She is a proud and passionate advocate for occupational therapy who is committed to the broader vision for allied health and how to achieve the best outcomes through transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary models.
As a world leader and innovator in the field of Ophthalmology, Professor Barrett has devised numerous surgical instruments and helped design the latest generation of intraocular lenses for use in eye surgery. He has developed one of the world’s best Intraocular Lens (IOL) calculation formulas. We are incredibly fortunate to have Prof. Barrett as one of our own within North Metro.